After spending few hours on looking through data obtained by Anonymous and published on pastebin (you can find them while reviewing @YourAnonNews account on Twitter) during #LulzXmas action I felt concerned about the privacy of all those ppl which data are flying now all around the internet.
It’s obvious for me that if someone had to put his hands such data like this held by Stratfor (I really can’t find a better words than complete idiots to call them) Anonymous group is the best option (it doesn’t really matter if those were Anonymous or Lulzsec or Antisec, their ways are really close). They at least are talking and spreading the news all around instead of using the data. If it was someone else I bet it’d take a really long time for Stratfor “specialists” (have their ever heard of the thing called data encryption?) to find out what has happened and by then really big amount of money’d be gone from their client accounts.
By looking at their facebook fan page (yea, the best, safest and privacy friendly service to spread this kind of news) I lost all my hope about them telling their clients what really happened and what they should do in this case to save their privacy and money (just look at this). After looking at two more archives published by Anonymous from next companies I thought about an open source software/script/service which’d allow to send anonymously an email informing about a leak, current situation and steps which should be taken to increase clients/users (which were hit by the leak) privacy, safety and get their current and future situation straight.