Talking about world without an internet on national TV

Ten post dostępny jest także w języku: Polish

So yesterday I was asked to say few words about how the world would be look/work without an internet for our national Polish TV – TVP Info. I spent 4-5 minutes talking, but in the end I was cut to 2 short sentences. I thin it was definitely worth it. (;

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As for the whole part about protests against SOPA all over the internet they’ve got few things entirely backwards but all in all it was pretty good. My two short sentences were about an internet being as big discovery as writing or printing (thanks rysiek for that thought!). Next one was about our disability to switch off the whole network, I’ve mentioned few countries that tried to do that. Next words about Telecomix, dial-ups, hacktivism and FLOSS didn’t make it. They’ve also used few other thoughts presented by me during the talk, but they were read by narrator.

Here you can find whole video (so far without EN subtitles but I’ll try to make them shortly):

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